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ChatGPT disabled for users in Italy

Dear ChatGPT customer, [尊敬的 ChatGPT 客户,]

We regret to inform you that we have disabled ChatGPT for users in Italy at the request of the Italian Garante. [我们很遗憾地通知您,我们已应意大利 Garante 的要求为意大利用户禁用 ChatGPT。]

We are issuing refunds to all users in Italy who purchased a ChatGPT Plus subscription in March. [我们将向 3 月份购买 ChatGPT Plus 订阅的意大利所有用户发放退款。] We are also temporarily pausing subscription renewals in Italy so that users won’t be charged while ChatGPT is suspended. [我们还暂时暂停了意大利的订阅续订,以便在 ChatGPT 暂停期间不会向用户收费。]

We are committed to protecting people’s privacy and we believe we offer ChatGPT in compliance with GDPR and other privacy laws. [我们致力于保护人们的隐私,我们相信我们提供的 ChatGPT 符合 GDPR 和其他隐私法。] We will engage with the Garante with the goal of restoring your access as soon as possible. [我们将与 Garante 合作,以尽快恢复您的访问权限。]

Many of you have told us that you find ChatGPT helpful for everyday tasks, and we look forward to making it available again soon. [许多人告诉我们,您发现 ChatGPT 对日常任务很有帮助,我们期待很快再次提供它。]

If you have any questions or concerns regarding ChatGPT or the refund process, we have prepared a list of Frequently Asked Questions to address them. [如果您对 ChatGPT 或退款流程有任何问题或疑虑,我们准备了一份常见问题解答列表来解决这些问题。]

—The OpenAI Support Team [—OpenAI 支持团队]



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